Formation of the Solar System Essay
There are several theories that explain the formation of the solar system. However, it has been a tricky question explaining how and why the solar system came into existence. Therefore, many people have tried to come up with myths and theories to explain the origin of the solar system. Each of this theories attempts to…

Local Customs and Innovations in Islam Essay
Islam is a relatively young and quite popular religion which, rooted in the Arabian Peninsula, has spread throughout the world nowadays. Dr. Umar Faruq Abd-Allah provides an apposite example comparing Islam with the pure and clear river. Just like a river, Islam has many branches that stem from the same pillars of faith, but interpret…

An Essay about Causes of Climate Changes
The atmosphere of the Earth periodically changed in the past. Today scientists are very concerned about the fact of global warming and climate shift. Among the main causes of this situation are astronomical, geographic and meteorological. What Can Provoke Changes of Climate Main Reasons of Global Warming Astronomical factors of climate change are the unequal…