Ford Motor Group

Market dynamism in the motor vehicle industry has led to the introduction of new products by different companies especially in the production of performance Vehicles. Ford has released its first performance car, Focus ST, into the market recently. According to the company, the car is unique in the sense that it comes with power-packed performance, which is a powerful feature that will meet customers’ needs better. In addition, the vehicle is stylish and comfortable given that the latest technology has been used to give thrilling driving dynamics. The company looks forward to making new models of performance Vehicles to meet the market demand (Ford, 2012).

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Although Ford is not the leading company in terms of sales volumes, the company conducts business all over the world. The company uses an innovative business model characterized by partnerships with different entities. The company has long-term agreements with suppliers and distributors of its products (Ford Media, 2012). Suppliers bring in the best technological innovations wile supplier help not only in distribution and sales but also in collecting market information. Ford operates under two departments, which are financial services and automotive. The two departments coordinate all business activities right from manufacturing to selling to various markets. The company also engages not only in the manufacture of different types of motor vehicles such as cars, trucks but also in manufacture car parts. This business model helps the company make significant sales all over the world leading to an increase in productivity. For instance, the company sold over 12 millions cars all over the world, a figure that can be attributed to its business model.

Ford premises its innovations on new technological applications, which are sensitive to modern demands. The company focuses on fuel-efficient vehicles, which are also stylish, and ultra modern in terms of design, value, and safety. The company’s Chief Executive Officer and President, Mr. Alan Mulally believes that cost-effective, stylish and quality are key in coming up with convincing innovation, which will match and compete in the modern world (Ford Technology, 2012). The company has unveiled its latest products such as Ecosport, Tourneo connects, and Ford Fiesta among others, all of which are technology compliant hence offering customers the best. For instance, the company has introduced a number of vehicle models that come with different technological applications. They include the hands-free liftgate that allows the user to load and offload easily, multi-contour seats that reduce fatigue, all-electric vehicle that uses green energy, among other products. Development of these products has made the company among the most competitive in the motor manufacturing industry.

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The presence of Ford in the motor industry for a long time helps the company compete effectively with other companies. Longtime presence also helps the company deal with different challenges effectively hence maintaining its position in the industry (Dornbach-Bender et al., 2009). However, a SWOT analysis on the company reveals a number of things that affect the company in one way or the other. According to Dornbach-Bender et al. (2009, p. 13), the company enjoys stable financial status compared to others. The product line of Ford is one of the most reputable in the world. This gives the company a global presence, a fact that helps the company remain competitive. Studies have shown that Ford tie with Toyota in producing brands with the highest customer satisfaction rates. This is because the company has a well-structured operation model.

Despite the fact that Ford is among the leading motor companies, studies have shown that the company still looses significant amounts of money on particular automobile lines especially in the United States (Dornbach-Bender et al., 2009). This means that the company makes loses from these effects hence weakening its competing power. The highly competitive markets have high fixed costs. This is threatening the company negatively because its products are not popular in crucial markets. This is worse in China and India where the company has very little penetration.

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